Tope Alabi Biography, Age, Early Life, Family, Songs, Albums, Net Worth
August 19, 2020
She is otherwise known as Ore ti o common, and as Agbo Jesu.
We'd be seeing Tope Alabi's biography, date of birth, age, early life, family, husband, children, education, songs, albums, movies, net worth, houses, cars, social media handles and more.
Full Names: Tope Alabi
Other Names: Ore ti o common, Agbo Jesu
Date of birth: 27th October, 1970
Age: 50 years
Nationality: Nigerian
Parents: Pa Joseph Akinyele Obayomi, Madam Agnes Kehinde Obayomi.
Husband: Soji Alabi
Children: Ayomiku and Deborah
Education: Polytechnic Ibadan
Occupation: Gospel singer, film music composer, actress
Net Worth: $350,000
Tope Alabi Biography, Date Of Birth, Early Life, Family, Education, Entertainment Career
Born on the 27th of October, 1970, Tope Alabi is a Nigerian gospel singer, film music composer and actress.She is otherwise known as Ore ti o common, and as Agbo Jesu.
She was born in Yewa, Imeko, Ogun State, Nigeria to Pa Joseph Akinyele Obayomi and Madam Agnes Kehinde Obayomi.
Tope is the only daughter out of the three children in the family and is married and has two daughters, Ayomiku and Deborah.
She was formerly a member of the Jesters International comedy group and worked with other popular traveling and stage theater groups in both Ibadan and Lagos.
The gospel singer also made films in the Yoruba film genre of Nigeria and eventually metamorphosed into gospel music after she became a born-again Christian.
About her education, Tope Alabi obtained her West Africa School Certificate (WAEC) from Oba Akinyele Memorial High School, Ibadan,1986. She moved over to the Polytechnic Ibadan where she studied Mass Communication and graduated in the year1990.
Some of Tope Alabi's songs include:
• Alagbara• Yes & Amen
• Omo Jesu
• Agbara Olorun
• Moriyanu
• Eruretoba
• Agbelebu
• Angeli MI
• Angeli
• Agbara Re NI
• Agbelebu
• Awa Gbe Oga
• Iwe Eri
• Adonai
• Kokoro Igbala
• Oruko Tuntun
• Ore ti o Common
• Spirit of Light
• Kabiosi
• Olorun Nbe Funmi (Iseoluwa)
• Oba Mi De
• War
• No One Else
• Olowo Ina
She got married to Soji Alabi in 1998.
Tope Alabi Net Worth
Tope Alabi is a top gospel singer, film music composer and actress. She is estimated to be net worth over $350,000.Social Media Handles
You can connect with Tope Alabi on:Facebook - Tope Alabi
Instagram @tope_alabi_
Twitter @topealabi01
YouTube - Tope Alabi
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