This Is Getting Out Of Hand! Check Out Thousands Of People Who Came Out To Protest Against SWAT
October 14, 2020
A few hours after dissolving the Special Anti-Robbery Squad to fulfill the requests of the people, the government came up with another scary team. The SWAT, fully meaning Special Weapons and Tactics Teams was formed to take over some of the duties of the SARS.
Nigerians however are not having it this time around, and they have taken to the social media and streets to air their disagreements.
This, might look like a diversion from the main course, but it is no doubt an extension because it is not over till it actually is. recently got hold of some of the photos from the #EndSWAT protests.

The citizens have been protesting against the indiscriminate killings and exploitation by SARS for a few days, and the government has for the third time in the past three years, banned the unit.