
7 Amazing Ways To Make Money Online Before December

August 31, 2021

7 Amazing Ways To Make Money Online Before December

When it comes to making money online as a Nigerian, there are generously over a hundred options. The most interesting thing about doing online jobs probably is that you can get to do many things at the same time.
For instance, you can be a blogger, and at the same time an affiliate marketer. This is not something that is easily obtainable offline, where you may be a teacher or banker, and then you have to come to work every day to leave in the evenings.
Without wasting much of your time, I will be going straight to the content.

NB: Most of the things I'll be discussing here need a PayPal account for withdrawal, and you can learn how to get one here.

How To Make Money Online As A Nigerian

There are so many legit ways to make money online, and we'll be seeing seven of them below;

• Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an interesting way of making money online. In this, you do not own any products rather you refer people to purchase from others, and earn commissions.
If you can learn a bit of digital marketing, it will be a pro to your career. Take for instance I launched a website for referring customers to photographers in Owerri, and I earn commissions anytime I get a successful order.

• E-commerce

This is not really a complicated term and simply revolves around selling things online. You can sell anything online, from lands and houses (real estate) to products like food and even toiletries.
You can even sell cars online, and run ads to targeted interested users earning commissions from successful sales, if the cars are not yours.

• Mini importation

In mini-importation you import stuff from China or any other countries where they are cheaper and sell to Nigerians.
There are some products you can get for $9 outside, and when they arrive you sell them for up to ₦25,000.
I have an article on mini-importation, so I won't be stressing much on it.

• Social Media Management

You can also make good money managing people's social media pages and channels.
All you need is data, and a good internet-enabled device. Laptops are better but for social networking platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, then mobile is the only way.
There are a lot of good phones you can get for less than ₦150,000, and you can make good money from handling other people's pages.

• Cryptocurrencies

A lot of people earn a living online from cryptocurrencies. 
There are a few ways through which you can earn from cryptocurrencies:-
- Trading: You can make money from the rise and fall in cryptocurrencies. It is risky, and you can lose money if you don't train properly.
- Hodling: By hodling, you can study cryptocurrencies with potentials and buy them so when they rise, you make profit.
- Scalping: Scalping is a form of making money from cryptocurrencies periodic rising. You can study more about it.

You can read out other ways through which you can make money from crypto in Nigeria.

• Graphics Designing

If you are good with Photoshop or any other graphic design software, you can make money creating graphics for people.
They could be graphics for digital or even physical ads, company photos or just anything. There are a lot of people cashing out heavily from graphics designing.

• Video Creation

There are a wide range of ways to create and monetize videos. You can go into making of cartoons, video ads, movies, comedies, music videos and so many other things.
About monetizing, you can get directly paid by clients, or monetize with your own website or YouTube channel.

Either ways you choose to make money, they require a level of hard work, training and consistency. Thanks to the internet, you can get access to tons of free and affordable video courses, ebooks and even blogs.
Read through them, and get familiar with what ever you are trying to go into.
You can as well drop your comments, and I'll be around to help.

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