How I Was Able To Make $820+ In 2 Weeks From Blogging In Nigeria
August 03, 2020
There are a lot of people cashing out regularly from their websites, and they're not even sweating for the money!
Well, I'd be starting with an introduction. My name is Igbo Clifford, and I am a twin blogger, freelance writer and a few other things... Lol!
Together with my twin brother, Stanford, I founded Information Guide Africa, Business Tips Nigeria and a few other websites.
As at the time of writing this article, is getting over 30,000 daily page views, while is getting over 10,000 (the site is barely three months old).
I can unarguably introduce myself as one of the few successful bloggers in Nigeria, and I am here to tell you a part of my stories!
What Is Blogging All About?
Blogging as you may already have known is all about creating and running a blog. A blog is a media website, and you can write on anything you like.I created my first blog in 2016, and it didn't pay me until barely after 6 months and I sold it off after a few months.
My second blog was, and it was a huge success. Since then, I've created and sold more than 10 blogs of my own.
Now, when you have something you want to know more about, what do you do?
You run to Google, Bing or any other search engines to search for the thing and get your results.
Who puts those things there? Robots? The search engines or maybe some white men working together in a room?
Well, the things were put up there by bloggers like me and more than a million others.
Is Google paying us to do that? Are we just posting them for free like you do on your Facebook and WhatsApp stories? I don't even know... Lol!
The truth is, Google almost doesn't care about how you make money from your site, they're there to help you get discovered and bring visitors to your site.
The way you decide to make money from your website is all up to you, provided you do not go against any of the giant search engine's policies.
How Much Can You Make From Blogging In A Month?
This is one of the most difficult questions I've ever had to answer several times.The amount you make from your blog is totally dependent on you.
I've made more than $800 in two weeks of blogging, and that is around ₦307,200.00 with the current exchange rate.
There are a lot of blogger friends who have made more, and a lot more who have made less. So basically, the amount of money you make from your blog depends on you, and the efforts you put into it.
How Can You Make Money As A Blogger In Nigeria?
There are a lot of ways to make money as a Nigerian blogger.All the ways depend on traffic, but some ways like affiliate marketing are totally dependent on conversions.
For me, I advice leveraging on 2 or more methods to make sure you benefit mainly from the website.
Some of the methods include:
- Sponsored Posts
Most bloggers would put this last, but it is my favourite. I have made more $200 in single days from publishing sponsored posts, and some days I make just $30.
That is one of the emails I get almost several times a day! I left my email open so you don't think I got the screenshot from somewhere else, it is my official email btw.

And yes, that is my PayPal email, with the transactions.
Today is 6th April, and I made $27 after the PayPal deductions. On the 6th I made $4, and on the 3rd I made $42.
How much is your physical business paying you monthly?
In three days I have made more than $70 from sponsored posts on one of my blogs alone. That’s more than ₦25,000.
Aside that, I also make money from ad networks.
I use only MGID, and I made $138 which would be paid by the ending of the month.

That’s not all, I make cool money from selling stuff on my website.
Yes, there are hot niches that you would be writing on, and you can sell everyday of your life!
In fact, there is a particular website I'm working with that most Nigerian bloggers don't know about.
I was introduced to the site after purchasing a course from one of my Indian favourite bloggers, and you can see a screenshot of the earnings from one of my websites.

There are a lot of other ways, I won't be touching all in this blog post.
- Affiliate Marketing
I also make very cool money from affiliate marketing. I have made more than $600 in a month from working with one of the biggest affiliate marketing websites in the world, and that was without stress.- Information Marketing
This is another hot, but highly underrated way of making money from your blog, no matter the amount of daily visitors you get.You can sell 200 copies of a particular information product to your audience at ₦1000 each, and you know how much you'd be making.
There is nothing like running out of copies, and you do not stress yourself delivering them. Everything is automatic.
How Much Does It Cost To Own Your Own Blog?
It cost me less than ₦1,000 to launch, and I renew the domain name annually. I host all my websites on blogger and it is free for life.Basically, blogging is the cheapest internet business you can go into.
How Can You Become A Blogger?
It took me 6 months of blogging to make my first $$$ because I had no one guiding me, and I have decided to make the whole work easy for you.I have published a full course on blogging, and it covers everything you need to know to succeed as a blogger.
- Full introduction to blogging
- How to create your website on blogger or WordPress with full screenshots (there is a free ebook on this for the early birds too)
- The tips that help me generate over 30,000 daily page views on my website with totally free traffic
- How you can optimize your website to rank on Google's first page and get free traffic+sales
- 30 hottest niches to join as a blogger, there are a lot of niches but only few actually pay well
- Overview of Alexa ranking, domain authority and page authority and how I am able to make more than $2,000 monthly from sponsored posts and other ways
- The killer guide to Google Adsense approval
- Over 30 well-paying ad networks just in case you don't want to use Google Adsense
- More than 25 affiliate marketing websites that you can join to make money online
- Link to more than 20 secret Facebook groups where Indian and American bloggers get sponsored posts from
There are a lot of other things, and I've spent more than $500 in the part 6 months on upgrading my knowledge in the things I'm giving out free here.
How Can You Get This Course?
The blogging course is almost free, and you can grab a copy.Email [email protected].
Is There Any Guarantee?
Yes, 100%!I have been into the trade for over 4 years, and won't teach you stuff that doesn't work!
However, if you do what is in the ebook and don't make your first ₦30,000 in two months, message me on WhatsApp via the same number and demand for your money.
I will refund you immediately!
But if it works for you, don't forget to stop by and say hi, it motivates me to keep it up.
Thanks a lot for reading along.
Don't forget to drop us a comment and share with your friends, let's make this money together!